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Compare and purchase the best
home insurance rates in Moncton.

Compare and purchase the best
home insurance
rates in Moncton.

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In just a few minutes, our quoter can unlock discounts that can have
you saving hundreds of dollars a year on average.
Get free & accurate quotes from Canada’s top home insurance providers. In just a few minutes, our quoter can unlock discounts that can have you saving hundreds of dollars a year on average.
Type of Coverage We Provide
Home Insurance
Home Insurance
This provides coverage for loss and damage to your property and/or any assets.
Liability Coverage
Liability Coverage
Provides protection against a lawsuit resulting from damaged property or personal injuries.
A predetermined amount of money that you must pay towards the cost of the claim. Home insurance has different deductibles for different coverage.
Sewer Backup, Overland/Ground Water
Sewer Backup, Overland/Ground Water
These are optional coverages you can buy that protect you for water damage such as sewer back up and fresh water flooding.
Claims Forgiveness
Claims Forgiveness
This allows for the protection of your “claims free discount” in the event of your first claim.
Scheduled Items
Scheduled Items
Referring to 'special limits' on items like jewellery or art if the value is greater than the special limit you should list the item separately.
Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
When you purchase comprehensive home coverage, it means you are covered for anything that is not excluded.
Broad Coverage
Broad Coverage
When you purchase broad home coverage, it limits your contents coverage to only specific coverages, (ie. theft, fire, water damage, etc.)
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Moncton is situated in the southeastern part of the province, has a population of just over 85,000, and is the largest urban city centre in New Brunswick. You can find more than 70 km of trails as well as many popular parks. The Riverfront Trail is part of the Trans Canada Trail system where you can find various monuments and pavilions hiking along the path. It is home to Magnetic Hill, a unique phenomenon (aptly named) where cars mysteriously roll uphill when in neutral! The city has a vibrant entertainment scene with many theatres and performing arts shows and over 30 restaurants all within a 5-minute walk from the downtown core. You can visit the CF Champlain mall, Atlantic Canada's biggest shopping mall that attracts almost 10 million visitors each year!

Home insurance is not legally required in Canada, especially for those who have paid off their home. But, it is mandatory for those who need to get a mortgage. Since buying a home is one of the biggest investments people make, it's important to consider getting homeowners insurance to protect the place they live, raise a family and keep their belongings. These are all things that a homeowners insurance policy can cover and we can help with that.

Home Insurance In Moncton

The average price of home insurance in Moncton is approximately $780 per year or $60/month. But remember, your home insurance costs depend on a multitude of factors so it's best to prepare to pay more so you are not surprised when your quote comes back higher. For example, you may want some extra add ons for more coverage. So, it's best to have a range from $800-$1,500 to make sure you cover all your avenues!

We've partnered with some of the best insurance companies in Moncton to provide you with 10 + quotes for you to compare and get the best quote and price for your situation! Let Surex find you the best Home insurance New Brunswick has to offer. Here is who we work with:

  • RSA
  • Pembridge
  • Intact
  • Travelers
  • Wawanesa
  • Aviva
  • Economical

For Moncton homeowners who hold a mortgage, having home insurance is a necessity. This is because banks and mortgage lenders want to know borrowers (i.e. homeowners) have a backup plan in case one of three unfortunate events happens: (1) something happens to the homeowner’s home (either repairable damages or a total loss), (2) someone is inadvertently injured while on the homeowner’s property, or (3) the homeowner accidentally causes damage to another person’s property. A basic home insurance policy will cover a homeowner in any of those three scenarios, and will — by extension — ensure the homeowner will remain financially fit to continue servicing their mortgage.

On the other hand, if you own your residence outright (i.e. you’ve paid off your mortgage), you are not required by any level of government in Canada to hold a home insurance policy. However, when you compare the cost of an annual insurance policy — usually somewhere in the $800 to $1,200 range — to the value of your home and its contents, it becomes clear that protecting your assets is a wise move. Surex strongly recommends home insurance for all Moncton homeowners — just be sure to shop around and find a policy that’s affordable!

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